Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pete Helfrich's Toxic Mold Nightmare On 35 Clinton Street, Apt.#10, Plattsburgh, NY & The CVPH Hospital Connection = Abuse & Neglect




Pathology Report
Issued: 11/07/09   ID# MR00035017
Specimen #:  S-09-18590

Sex:  M

Date Collected:  10/27/2009

Date Received:  11/05/2009

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I moved into 35 Clinton St. 08-24-08 in hope of a better life through education. Little did I know that my birthday move was turning into a death day from toxic mold exposure. My health continually degraded from that time till now. I was exposed to WEAPONS grade toxins & yeasts that were of the same type many terrorist groups use in combat.

Here is the rest of this Steven King nightmare reality:

On Friday, September 4th at approximately 7am while taking a shower at my apartment on 35 Clinton Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901, I noticed some black mold seeping from breaches where the cheap dollar store caulk eroded. Please watch the video, as it shows clearly what I am talking about.

This explains why over the past year my health has degraded considerably. I have had a wasting away of the gums, frequent mouth infections that have not responded to antibiotics (which now makes sense; any layman knows that a fungal, or spore infection laughs at antibiotics); as is shown with the enclosed photographs contained in this site.

I took samples in order to prove I was not some nut who spent too much time watching CSI, ER, etc. After being around this mold longer than usual; in order to take the samples, I felt very weak and sick. I made my way down to CVPH Medical Center in Plattsburgh, NY (518-561-2000) in or around 4 pm. I felt so weak, I got lost and felt delirious. As I made my way to the entrance with the mold samples, CD evidence in hand, I passed out at the front desk, only to awaken briefly to a cop jabbing his finger in my eye three times and some jerk grating her ring laden knuckles on my chest like she was trying to hurt me. I still have marks on my chest.

When I came too, I begged over eight times in a two hour period for water, not to mention to call my aunt who was worried sick about me. Over two plus hours of condescending and insensitive clowns promising me water and a phone call, only to wait over two hours till someone actually came through on the promise, and only when I said I was leaving unless they gave me water and a phone call. Criminals get a phone call faster than that, I am sure; let alone water for God's sake. Before I was fed, I made it clear that due to my oral surgery I needed to floss, brush and rinse the food out of my infected socket sue to the infection. Once again I was lied to about obtaining this request and my mouth flared up.

I told my situation to numerous people (some woman by the name of Tera, I believe), and a quack by the name of Paul G. Gill, JR. M.D. None of these buffoons took into account my rotting gums, video evidence case notes from my dentists, or the fact that I had black mold in a zip lock bag. His only intent was to have me listed Mental Hygiene, milk Medicaid with expensive cat scans, EKG's, ask me 10 times if I was drinking booze, crazy, etc. I was harassed over 10 times for such money milking tests, to which I refused completely and demanded they examine the black mold and watch the video evidence so that they could get me on anti-fungal/spore medications like any doctor worth their salt would have done.
Instead I was patronized, treated like a dog, and basically laughed at; when all they had to do was watch the video and send the samples to a lab to be tested. Sounds simple enough, but to these group of ignoramuses, I realized I was wasting my breath.

They expected me to stay there till Monday, so they could milk $2,000 + a day babysitting me till the blood tests came back. All of this without giving me the medications I told them I was on for the oral surgery I had done due to the infection in my mouth that they refused to acknowledge.
Having enough of these quacks, I pulled the IV out and demanded to be set free from this hell sorry excuse for a hospital. To that, Dr. Gill wrote on my report that I was crazy? Excuse me, but when you come in with black mold samples, video evidence of black mold, and a mouth rotting like a corpse, you would expect they try to fix that rather than send you to the funny farm.

I live at 35 Clinton Street, Apartment 10, Plattsburgh, NY where I was a 8 times Dean's List National Honors, Lambda Pi Eta student before this sickness has caused me to drop from my studies. I am not crazy. Please help me prove it by having these samples tested so I can prove CPVH/ Paul Gill is the one who is ignorant, incompetent and delusional.

I am requesting complaints be filed with Dr. Gill, Property Management of Plattsburgh to the highest level possible. The Health Department needs to close 35 Clinton Street apartments down till this place is no longer a death camp breeding ground for black mold.

I am also passing this evidence over to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, etc. Please forward this matter to the highest level. Enclosed are some of my credentials which hopefully add merit to my story. Could you please provide me with a list of medical lawyers in the Clinton County area? Once the blood tests come back positive for black mold I plan on suing them for their negligence, harassment, defamation, and abuse.
Peter Jason Helfrich

35 Clinton Street, Apartment #10
Plattsburgh, NY 12901


  1. I am sorry this happened to you but glad to see you put it out there for all to see! If more people would get mad enough and do this it would help stop all these criminals! I have been doing the same thing and I posted your information on my site - Katy's Exposure -

  2. Thanks so much for being strong, intelligent & positive. The world needs more people like you; people that stand up against all odds.

  3. Thanks Katy (Katy's Exposure) for signing my petition!! PJH
    Date Name ST Country
    10/21 Crystal Stuckey LA US
    Your Personal Comment
    I am signing this because I have experienced much of what Pete has been though. I, my daughter and her 1 year old baby were criminally exposed to massive amounts of toxins from years worth of mold growth in an apartment. The owners , the corrupt State of Louisiana, and the thugs at Riverstone Residential all knew of the conditions in these apartments yet could care less if they let an infant inhale toxins. We had mold on every single item we owned and on us and in us. The baby was later diagnosed with asthma and God knows what to come. My daughter has had sinus surgery but since the ENT is not up to par on mold illness, I worry she will end up having it again. I am having the same dental problems as Pete and will need to have all my teeth replaced with implants (NOT DENTURES - as this was not a poisoning decision I made for myself). I hope that can be done before there is no bone left! All because of investors in an apartment complex that had had a mold inspection done showing mold throughout the complex but they just tossed it aside for rent money from all the past , present and future victims. The property management company is one of the largest privately owned management companies and they feel they can do whatever they want. These are the ones you will not find offering a settlement for the intentional harm done to victims because they know how expensive litigation is and most people will not be able to pay for such a case. Of course when your own attorney aids the defendant because he realizes they will not settle and he does not want to spend any money it does not help the victims (plaintiffs). So now the attorney will have a complaint filed against him with such obvious evidence of malpractice that I feel offended as he must think I am totally stupid to not see it. I will keep telling the growing list readers on my site about what the guilty parties involved did to us and others and are still doing. And believe me they would be embarrassed if they knew who reads all about them! I cannot just let these criminals do this and not fight back. The court system let us down and that does not mean that what they did is done and that is that! Since I do not have a million dollars for an attorney who would even want to handle a case against this giant evil corporation all I can do is let as many people know about all of this and hope they start fighting back after the justice system lets then down too. I need to have my very expensive dental work done soon as it is affecting my health especially with my heart condition which could make it deadly. I will expect these criminals to take care of this and the issues my daughter and grand baby have and could have in the future. When others decide to poison you they have then decided to be in charge of your health issues!

  4. Even in times when you have purchased home insurance, you still might not be able to claim the entire mold removal cost. If you are on a tight budget, to save some cost, you may consider to do some cleanup work before you enlist the help these cleanup services. Alternatively, you may also request for a discount when negotiating on the contract.

    mold and mildew removal

  5. I would contact your local ACLU chapter; they may be able to help you with an attorney willing to take on this fight!


Amanda Bulris

Did you have the Health Department go an inspect the apartment. If your looking to create a case I think your going to want to have documentation from the Health Department. In addition to this, here in Plattsburgh, probably unlike where you are from we have a "good old boy network" meaning they'll cover up what they can. I would suggest having the health department go in, and then if you plan to contact attorneys etc. contact ones that are outside our area.  
Good luck. Hope you are feeling better.

Amanda Bulris

 14 Healey Avenue, Suite D
 Plattsburgh, NY 12901
 518-561-2685 ext 10.






Tampering with evidence is a felony... Do not tamper with the room please.
Sunday, September 13, 2009 9:12 AM
"Peter Helfrich"
Add sender to Contacts
Hi Rick,

I'm not contesting that you are a good person. I know your a good person.

This has gone beyond the two of us. 35 Clinton St., Apt. #10 is in laymans terms a crime scene. 

Any tampering with that appartment, in any way from here till the end of the month will be considered "tampering with evidence" which is s felony.

There are three independent testing companies who will be testing the mold samples from that apartment.

Under no circumstances should you, or anyone for that matter clean up, or tamper with the apartment.

That could get anyone 7-10 years in jail and up to $250,000 fine.

Please just lay back and let God sort this out. All I'm after is my health, my gums, and my teeth back. Anything else is for the lawyers to compensate.


Pete Helfrich

------Guns 'N' Roses = IRS--------

"Gonna call the President
Gonna call myself a Private Eye
Gonna need the IRS
Gonna get the FBI

Gonna make this a federal case

Gonna wave it right down in your face
Read it baby with your morning news
With a sweet hangover
And the headlines too, now

Ah ah Ah ah

I bet you think I'm doing this all for my health
I should've looked again then at somebody else
Feelin' like I've done way more than wrong
Feelin' like I'm livin' inside of this song
Feelin' like I'm just too tired to care
Feelin' like I've done more than my share
Could've been the way that I carried on
Like a broken record for so long"

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" - Plato

"Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure." - Anonymous

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

"The quickest way to shut someone up, is to call them crazy... it's the oldest legal trick in the book." - Anonymous Attorney

"If you're going through hell keep going." - Winston Churchill

"Never give up, Never give in" - Winston Churchill

"Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean." - Maya Angelou

“There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever”

Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)


“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)


“Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.”

Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)


“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)


“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result”

Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)


“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)

Add to Chapter... (SEE BELOW)

Stages of Mycotoxicosis. The following is an article by Dr. William Croft

Stages of Mycotoxicosis
Our official diagnosis is mycotoxicosis. The following is an article by Dr. William Croft (website

Stages of Mycotoxicosis: For Inhalation of Mycotoxin

The three Stages (1-3) ranging from lower to higher severity of poisoning were modified according to exposure via the air as opposed to ingestion already established (Forgacs et al., 1962; Joffe, 1971). A separate Stage of convalescence occurs when a patient is completely removed from the contaminated premises and the source of mycotoxin or mold spores.

Stage 1: The primary changes are in the brain, respiratory and immune systems, mucus membranes and gastrointestinal tract. Signs and symptoms may include burning sensation in the mouth, tongue, throat, palate, esophagus, and stomach, which is a result of the action of the toxin on the mucous membranes and skin in the exposed areas. Moist areas of the body armpits, under breasts, belt line and groin are more sensitive or first affected. Patients may report burning within the eyes, ears and nose. Patients also reported that their tongues felt swollen and stiff. Mucosa of the oral cavity may be hyperemic. Mild gingivitis, stomatitis, glositis, and esophagitis developed. Inflammation, in addition to gastric and (small and large) intestinal mucosal, resulted in vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Excessive salivation, headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue and tachycardia were also present.

There may be fever and sweating. The respiratory system develops burning sensations and congestion. Severe exposure to mycotoxin within the lungs may lead to congestion, edema and failure, due to caustic action. Body temperature remains normal and controllable by the patient. The poisoning appears and disappears relatively quickly in this Stage with the exception of, lungs and central nervous system. Initially (Stage 1), the patient’s symptoms are very uncomfortable or painful. As the poisoning continues and the patient progress toward Stage 2, he or she becomes accustomed to the presence of the mycotoxin and a quiescent period follows due to lack of nerve sensation. Depending on exposure levels, the first Stage may last from 3 - 9 days. In scoring the 50 signs and symptoms listed in Tables-1 and 2, an average score range of 20-45 represents Stage 1.

Stage 2: This Stage is often called the latent Stage or incubation period because the patient feels apprehensive, but is capable of normal activity in the beginning of this Stage. Every organ of the body is affected by degeneration and necrosis with continued exposure. The primary target organs for an individual become evident over time, due to biological variation. These are disturbances in the central and autonomic nervous systems resulting in headaches, mental depression, loss of short-term memory, loss of problem-solving ability, various neuropsychiatric manifestations, meningism, severe malaise and fatigue, narcolepsy, loss of temperature control, hyperesthesia or numbness of body areas, and cerebellar dysfunction including hypotonia, attitude and gait, dysmetria, asthenia, vertigo, disturbances of speech, and loss of balance (Best, 1961). Spinal cord degeneration may also be observed in gait and reflex abnormalities, such as the ability to drive vehicles, ride bicycles or pass sobriety tests (inability to tolerate ethyl alcohol). Attention deficient disorder may be observed in children. Various systems may include: Eyes: visual disturbances, floating objects, light sensitive, lack of tears, burning and itching. Ears: burning, itching, and loss of hearing. Immune and hematopoietic: progressive loss of white and red cells including a decrease of platelets and hemoglobin, and high susceptibility to bacterial, mycotic and viral infections, debilitating chemical and allergies. Gastrointestinal: metallic taste in mouth, tooth loss, gum problems, stomatitis, sores in gums and throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, excessive flatulence, abdominal distention, hepatitis, pancreatitis, and diabetes mellitus. Respiratory : burning and bleeding from nasal membranes, respiratory difficulty, asthma, extreme susceptibility to cold, flu and pneumonia. Skin: thinning of hair on head, burning on face, rashes, irritation, and edema. Renal: proteinuria, possible hematuria. Reproductive: irregular ovarian cycles, increased menstrual flow, fibroid growths in uterus, cystic development in mammary glands, and tumors of mammary and prostate glands. Musculoskeletal : somatitis, muscle weakness, spasms, cramps, joint pain, enlargement of joints in hand, and clubbing of fingers. Cardiovascular: chest pain, palpitations, ruptures of atrial walls, myocardial infection and aneurysm of arteries.

The skin and mucous membranes may be icteric, pupils dilated, the pulse soft and labile, and blood pressure may decrease or increase. The body temperature does not exceed 38 degree C and the patient may be afebrile, or chilled. Visible hemorrhagic spots may appear on the skin. Thoughts of suicide may be prominent in the person’s mind at this time or anytime in Stage 2. Human bonding is very important for survival.

Degeneration and hemorrhages of the vessels marks the transition from the second to the third Stage of the disease and may not be consistently observed. The degeneration of the vital organs including serious respiratory insufficiency or asthma and CNS degeneration will take the patient into Stage three along with development of necrotic angina. If exposure continues, depending on exposure levels, Stage 2 may continue from weeks to months or even years until the symptoms of the third Stage develop. Evaluating the 50 signs and symptoms (Table-1 and 2) by assigning a score (0-least intense to 5-most intense or severe) to each symptom, we have determined that an average score range of 45-180 represents Stage 2.

Stage 3: Severe degeneration of the vital organs. The transition from the second to the third Stage is sudden. In this Stage, the patient’s resistance is already low, and violent severe symptoms are present, especially under the influence of stress, or associated with physical exertion and fatigue. The first visible sign of this Stage may be lung, brain or heart failure (heart attack), with or without the appearance of petechial hemorrhage on the skin of the trunk, the axillary and inguinal areas, the lateral surfaces of the arms and thighs, the face and head, and in serious Cases, the chest. The petechial hemorrhages vary from a few millimeters to a few centimeters in diameter. There is increased capillary fragility and any slight trauma may cause the hemorrhages to increase in size.

Aneurysms of the brain or aorta may be observed by angiography. Hemorrhages may also be found on the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, and on the soft palate and tonsils. There may be severe interstitial thickening or scarring of the lungs, or respiratory failure. Nasal, gastric and intestinal hemorrhages and hemorrhagic diathesis may occur. Necrotic angina begins in the form of catarrhal symptoms and necrotic changes soon appear in the mouth, throat, and esophagus with difficulty and pain on swallowing. Severe degeneration of the skin on the face, eyelids, and loss of lashes is also often present.

Necrotic lesions may extend to the uvula, gums, buccal mucosa, larynx, vocal cords, lungs, stomach, and intestines and other internal organs such as the liver and kidneys and are usually contaminated with a variety of avirulent bacteria. Bacteria infection causes an unpleasant odor from the mouth due to the enzymatic activity of bacteria on proteins. Areas of necrosis may also appear on the lips and on the skin of the fingers, nose, jaws, and eyes. Regional lymph nodes are frequently enlarged. Esophageal lesions may occur and involvement of the epiglottis may cause laryngeal edema and aphonia (loss of voice). Death may occur by strangulation.

Patients may suffer an acute parenchymatous hepatitis accompanied by jaundice. Bronchopneumonia, pulmonary hemorrhages, and lung abscesses are frequent complications. Tumors may develop of various organs, including skin, urinary bladder, brain, mammary gland, bone, immune, liver, prostate, possibly resulting in death. The most common cause of death is brain failure due to both direct effects of the mycotoxin on the central nervous system and indirect effects due to respiratory failure or lack of oxygen to the brain caused by the severe caustic inflammation (fibrinous exudation) reaction with the lung tissue, rendering it non-functional. Again, using the scoring system represented in Tables-1 and 2, an average score of greater or equal 180 represents Stage 3.

Stage of Convalescence: The course and duration of this Stage 3 depends on the intensity of the poisoning and complete removal of the patient from the premises or source of mycotoxin. Therefore, the duration of the recovery period is variable. There is considerable cellular necrosis and scarring to all major organs of the body in which cells will not regenerate, including the brain, spinal cord, eyes, lung, heart, liver, pancreas, kidney, adrenal, and blood vessels. If the disease is diagnosed during the first Stage, hospitalization is usually unnecessary, but allergies and asthma should be monitored closely. If the disease is diagnosed during the second Stage and even at the transition from the second to third Stages, early hospitalization may preserve the patient’s life. If however, the disease is only detected during the third Stage, death cannot be prevented in most Cases.

1. Croft, W. A., Jastromski, B. M., Croft, A. L., and Peters, H. A., “Clinical
Confirmation of Trichothecene Mycotoxicosis in Patients Urine”, In: Journal of
Environmental Biology 23(3), 301-320 (2002)

2. .Forgacs, J., and W. T. Carll : Mycotoxicoses. In : Advances in Veterinary
Science. Academic Press, New York and London, pp 273-372 (1962)

Emergency Housing Request Plattsburgh State

"Pete Helfrich" View contact details To:,,,, "Brian Loughlin" Cc:,, Hello, Due to a black mold infestation, I am sick & homeless & living in a car. I was a Lambda Pi Eta, 8 Time's Deans List Student; now I'm clinging on for life. I also need PSU's Health Center to run the proper blood work needed to save my life, as advised by Dr. Thrasher; a leading Toxicologist (Read Below Blog Link) I was advised that PSU offers emergency housing for people in my situation. Please advise.. Regards, Peter Helfrich Proof of my claims: ------------------------